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Download A Better Finder Rename 12.12

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 11.53

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.10 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 12.12

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.15 or later.

Version 11 of A Better Finder Rename 11 is now available.

A Better Finder Rename debuted nearly 25 years ago on the now venerable System 7. Then we migrated it to Mac OS X. Completely rewrote every line of code for version 7. Added a powerful multi-stage renaming engine and a new user interface for version 8 and became addicted to meta-data tags and re-designed the user experience once more for version 9.

In version 10 we took the concept of an instant preview to a new level, introduced the preview pane, added a ton of new meta-data, and improved the multi-step renaming interface.

Now, 4 years, 46 updates & 19 betas later, Version 11 takes file renaming to eleven:

File Filtering

Version 11 allows you to add multiple file filters to your action list, so that different types of files can finally be renamed differently within a single multi-step rename.

You can preview both the file names and the filter criteria directly in the preview table.


The new version takes presets to the next level and makes them the main unit of automation. You can create, save, share, import & export presets from the new Presets tab.

You can automatically apply presets without opening the application simply by drag & dropping files onto the closed application icon in much the way that droplets work.

Auto-Increment Counters

It is now possible to re-start sequence numbering where you left off, by leveraging the Auto-Increment Counter feature. Instead of manually selecting a starting value for your sequence numbers in the parameters section, select the "Use Auto-Increment Counter" option and choose one of the 10 available counters; the program will automatically remember the last number used and restart there. Handy for droplets too!

Meta-Data Improvements

Version 10 introduced support for using meta-data tags, such as shooting dates, camera, image or song information to rename files. Version 11 builds on that foundation and adds new meta-data tags, vastly extends the range of supported file types and improves the speed and reliability of meta-data handling.

The new underpinnings of the meta-data storage and extraction system are used to collect meta-data through a larger range of back-end libraries, including macOS's own built-in Spotlight engine. This allows meta-data to be read from all file types that are either natively supported by the operating system (many image, video and document formats, PDF, zip archives, etc.) or those supported by third-party Spotlight importers that are often shipped along with apps that define their own file formats (such as Microsoft Office, high-end audio & video production suites, etc).

Lexical Case Conversions

In the past, A Better Finder Rename only offered language agnostic case conversion features. We have now added using natural language analysis technology for identifying grammatical structures and lexical classes, so that we can implement conventions, such as capitalizing proper nouns, etc.

Various Quality of Life Improvements

Re-organized and clarified category & action menus make it easier than ever to find the right action. The multi-step action list now offers full undo support, and we have re-implemented much of the multi-threading for the preview pipeline to make it faster and more reactive.

Finally, we have also started notarizing releases for macOS 10.15 Catalina.

As our long term customers know, a new major upgrade marks not the end of a development cycle for us, but rather the beginning of a new one. Version 11 will once again provide a solid basis for our monthly update schedule.

If you are still reading this, chances are that you are a long term Mac user and have noticed that iOS is getting all the attention. For Mac developers that has meant that it is increasingly hard to get any kind of buzz for Mac software going.

It would be tremendously helpful if you could recommend our software to your friends and colleagues!

Upgrade Pricing

Version 11 is a paid upgrade, but free for anybody who has bought the product after the 1st of January 2019 or owns a forever upgrade. The quickest way to find out whether you qualify for a free upgrade is to download the new version and launch it.

Try A Better Finder Rename 11

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Download Version 12.12 for Mac OS X 10.10 or later

You can safely run version 11 and version 10 side-by-side, if you are not yet sure you want to purchase the upgrade.

Single User, Family, Small Business, Business and Enterprise licenses, as well as discounted and forever upgrades are exclusively available in our web store.