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Purchase an upgrade to version 12.

Download A Better Finder Rename 12.12

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 11.53

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.10 or later.

Download A Better Finder Rename 12.12

for Intel & Apple Silicon Macs, requires macOS 10.15 or later.

About Auto-Increment Counters

Auto-Increment Counters allow you to generate sequence numbers that continue on from a previous renaming operation.

Say you have renamed 5 image files to image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image3.jpg, image4.jpg, image5.jpg. The next time you use the action with the auto-increment counter, it will generate the names image6.jpg, image6.jpg, etc.

By default, the actions in the Sequence numbers category generate sequence numbers starting with whichever value you choose in the Start With field. You can decide whether you want to use a “manual” starting value or an “auto-increment counter” by clicking on the advanced pull down menu on the right-hand side to the Start Value: input field. The popover menu that appears will allow you to choose between the two modes, and select one of the 10 auto-increment counters, as well as change the starting value for each counter.

Each counter has a name (e.g. Auto-Increment Counter #1) and its starting value is incremented automatically each time a rename is carried out using it. It is important to realize that the auto-increment counters are shared across all actions and all ways of initiating a rename on the same machine.

Droplets do not have their own copy of the counters. Whether you use an auto-increment counter from a droplet, by dropping files onto the closed application icon to a preset, or in normal interactive mode, the same counters will be used.

If you want to use a specific counter exclusively for a specific action or droplet, you need to choose one of the 10 available counters and ensure that it is only used in that action.

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